Retail & Supermarket Lighting
Which LED lighting is suitable for shops and supermarkets?
In a shop and/or supermarket, it is important every day to sell as many products as possible. Of course, this mainly concerns food, clothing, household appliances and more. You often see that products have already been arranged by the supermarket chain or retail shop itself in a strategic way. Think of the departments with fruit & vegetables or certain coloured items of clothing. It is important to make the colour(s) of the products as natural as possible. An apple really gets its beautiful red colour and textiles such as T-shirts have the fresh look the customer wants.
Flexible LED lighting with a very high colour rendering (CRI) of 90-99Ra is needed to optimally illuminate coloured products. The most practical way is to have the lights shine on the products from the ceiling. For this, tiltable LED Downlights are very suitable. The same applies to LED Trackspots. These effective luminaires are placed on a rail system and can be moved very conveniently on the rail itself, or the direction of the light can be adjusted. Tilting LED Recessed spots are also well suited as shop lighting. This lighting does have a slightly smaller size and is therefore slightly less powerful in terms of light output. Want to know more about CRI? Read our blog: What is CRI / colorimetric index?
Which decorative lighting is suitable for a supermarket?
In supermarkets, it is not only important to have the right lighting in the ceiling, but also decorative lighting in shelves. And especially when it comes to products on refrigerated shelves. Nowadays, meat products and dairy products, among other things, are stored on shelves with glass display doors in front of them. This way, the products stay extra fresh. On the other hand, you often see these products in large and wide toon benches . For example, in the meat or cheese department.
The trick is to ensure that everything that is sold is also lit as well and as clearly as possible. One way of doing this is by using G9 LED Capsule Bulbs, which can be placed in the display cabinet doors. For counters, LED Strips or LED T5 fluorescent tubes are suitable. You can place these lights under or above a row of products (and prices), so that the light is spread in a nice way. For that slightly narrower and smaller fittings in shelves and counters, we also recommend G4 LED Plug Bulbs and/or GY6.35 LED Plug Bulbs. Always check the fitting(s) in the light fitting. This way you immediately know which type of LED lighting is suitable for it.
Which general lighting is suitable for a supermarket?
Most supermarkets are quite large in terms of square metres. In aisles and general areas such as the entrance, canteen and the place where the cash registers are located, a lot of light is obviously needed. The most ideal solution here in terms of LED lighting is to create one long line of fixtures. We have good news for you, because you can do this with LED battens with through-wiring or via LED light lines. In most cases these flexible light fittings have the same connection as a current conventional light system, so you can install and replace them in no time. The great thing is that these LED fittings have a service life of more than 70,000 hours. That translates to more than 20 years! The Noxion EasyTrunk LED Mounted Bars are a fine example of LED general lighting for retail and supermarkets.
Which colour temperature / light colour is suitable for supermarket lighting?
Looking for the right light colour for lighting in a supermarket? For this it is good to look at the different areas. The light colour for shelves, for example, is different to the light colour for the entrance area. We have drawn up the diagram below for an extensive overview.
Color temperature | Application areas |
2700 Kelvin | Extra warm white | Decorative lighting for product promotions or as mood lighting |
3000 Kelvin | Warm white | Entrance, meat and fish, cashier's tray, canteen |
4000 Kelvin | Cool white | Aisles, shelves, counters, fruit and vegetables, bread and pastries, office area |
What kind of lighting is suitable for e.g. clothing shops and retail?
As a retailer, you often only get one chance to ensure that a customer is immediately attracted to the atmosphere in your shop and the products on display. In terms of lighting, you can go two ways with this. On the one hand: atmospheric and decorative lighting that immediately catches the eye, such as (large) LED Filament bulbs. in various shapes and with a very warm white colour temperature (2000 - 2700 Kelvin). These types of Bulbs enhance the atmosphere and cosiness in a room. On the other hand: your products must of course attract the attention of customers. And for this, LED Downlights or LED Trackspots are again suitable. Just like in supermarkets, this lighting can put a product right in the spotlight, while the colour of the product is displayed as naturally as possible. You can choose from multiple colours of track spots in our range, so you can also match the colour(s) to your shop interior.
Why is it important to illuminate a shop window properly?
A shop window is the business card of a shop. Even when the shop is closed. When people see a beautifully lit shop window with eye-catching products before or after closing time, they will be more inclined to look a little longer or perhaps even move a little closer. For you as a retailer/shop owner, this increases the likelihood that they will visit your shop later to actually buy the product in the window. To put products/objects in the spotlight in shop windows, you can use LED tracks, LED downlights or tiltable LED recessed spots. These can then be directed in the desired direction. This can be done from below or above. At Any-Lamp, you can choose from a wide range of top-quality LED lighting from various A-brands every day.
Which beam angle is best for illuminating supermarkets and shops?
Which degree beam is best to choose again depends on the room where the lighting is to be installed and the purpose of the lighting. We can make a distinction between accent lighting and general lighting. By accent lighting we mean putting certain objects or products in the spotlight. In that case, a narrow or medium angle beam is better suited. When it comes to general lighting, for example for illuminating aisles or the entrance area, more light is needed and that requires lighting with a wide beam angle. Want to know more about this? Read our blog: How do I choose the right beam angle?
What are the advantages of LED lighting for retail and supermarkets?
The lights in supermarkets and shops are on for a long time and often. Sometimes more than 80 hours a week. So it is nice to have lighting that lasts a long time. When we talk about conventional lighting, we see an average lifespan of about 20,000 hours. If we compare this with the number of burning hours of appropriate LED fixtures such as LED Downlights, LED Mounting beams, LED Lines and LED Rail spots, they last on average three times longer. In other words: fewer costs for maintenance and replacement. In addition, LED lighting is in some cases up to 90% more economical. So as a retailer you will also save on your energy costs thanks to LED. So it's an investment that pays for itself in several ways. Shopkeeper or retailer? Replace your old lighting and choose LED shop lighting and supermarket lighting from Any-Lamp!